Thursday, July 30, 2009


Wednesday, Nancy, Her Brother Gordon, Gordon’s Wife Ann, and I went boating on nearby Howard Prairie Lake.

We just cruised the lake perimeter to enjoy the scenery and had a picnic lunch aboard. We saw several species of birds: Osprey, White Pelicans, Canvas Back Duck, Grebe, Pintail Duck,

The lake is about five miles long and averages about two miles wide and is totally surrounded by forest; it has nice clear, cool, water, and plenty of fish.

I did manage to take some pictures; the lovely lady is Nancy, my 4 wheeling wife.

We are planning to go to Lake of the woods next Sunday for some adventure sailing in my old Nordska, “Valkyrie”, and Gordon’s 16’ Hobi Cat. I’ll definitely have pictures for that trip to post afterwards.

Small Bore Silhouette Target Shooting Competition

Philip and Gary went out again for our weekly shooting match, Tuesday evening, up on Stukel Mountain.

It was hot down on the Basin floor, 95deg. at 4200 Ft, but up on the mountain at 5500 Ft it was much cooler and pleasant.

No pictures again, sorry; next time I promise to have some.

We shot 1 ½ rounds and tied for round wins. Gary won the first 40 point round with 28 to my 23 hits; and I won the second 20 point round with 15 to his 13 hits. We will be back at it again next Wednesday evening. The competition is getting heated; Gary is already talking about upgrading his rifle and sights; I don’t know what I can do, I already have a Match rifle and great sights, the only thing I can do is get better at shooting!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Semi-Pro Baseball in Klamath Falls

We had a promotional Semi-Pro baseball game tonight, here in Klamath Falls, promoting the possibility of our having a team starting in 2010.

The game was between the Corvallis Knights and the Kitsap Blue Jackets. The Kitsap Blue Jackets won, 11 to 2. The game was great; both teams have a very high level of skill in all areas of play. The attendance was 1,500 which is what was hoped for to impress the league management enough to consider Klamath Falls for the new team entry into the League. We’re fairly sure we’ll be selected, but we all are crossing our fingers that we are.
Here is a link the League official Website: westcoastleague

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

John Stuart Mill
We were reading John Stuart Mill
a couple of weeks ago in our reading group. The focal issue was: Empirical knowledge versus Intuitive knowledge, or both?

We were evenly divided on the issue. Does anyone else have an opinion that they are willing to share?

My intuition tells me that, there is only Empirical knowledge

Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Brother, Barry, has been visiting for some three days now.

Today, Barry, Nancy, and I, went 4 Wheeling with the Quads up on Hamacker and Chase Mountains. It was a short but fun ride of about 25 miles total. We ascended Hamaker from Bear Valley on the North flank, went directly to the top, descended and circled around the south and East flanks, and then to the top of Chase Mt. from its South flank, then back to the trucks in Bear Valley. We had a nice lunch in the woods along the way.

Barry is down here, from Idaho, to pick up and take home a 16 Ft. Hobie Cat he bought from Nancy’s Nephew. He will be leaving with it come Monday morning. I hope to go up to Coeur D’Alene later this summer to go sailing with him in it.

I’ll make another posting later to describe the Keystone Cops episode we had Thursday evening with me trying to give Barry and orientation on the setting up and rigging the boat for sailing. To bad it was not captured on digital video, it would be hilarious.

See you all soon…Philip

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Small Bore Silhouette Shooting

Gary Peterson, my across the street neighbor, and I went up on Stukel Mt. (picture) again this evening to shoot Silhouette targets. We started last week and got all our range sightings developed and recorded. This week it was competitive for bragging rights. Well, he is the one crowing this week; just wait till next week and I’ll take his lunch away from him.
I forgot to bring my camera again, I’ll be sure to bring it next week and I’ll post some pictures. Here is a link, Smallbore Rifle Silhouette, from the WEB, that shows what it is all about on a serious note.

I’m going to release my first BookCrossing book, tomorrow, in the Snack Center of Fred Meyer’s. I hope someone picks it up and registers it!

This is all for now, see you on my next posting…

Sunday, July 12, 2009

We went 4 Wheeling on our Quads today.

It was a spur of the moment thing; our, across the street, neighbors, Gary and Darlene ask us to go with them riding up on Bryant Mountain.

Bryant Mountain is SE of us about 15 miles, about 3 miles due South of the little town of Bonanza.

We got on the trail about 11:30 and got back to the trucks at 6:30 after completing a circuit of some 49 miles. We covered approximately 75% of the mountain and topped at least two of its peaks. We hit several dead ends and, “No Trespassing” signs. The mountain has several high meadows, all with small reservoirs in them that cattle are grazed on. We have no pictures as both Nancy and I forgot ours and Darlene’s wouldn’t work. We got far enough across the mountain that we could see the Langell Valley to the South and East.

If you Google Earth, "Bryant Mountain Oregon", we were between "Bonanza" and the marker for Bryant Mt.

Friday, July 10, 2009


No new consulting work in 2009 to speak of

I Bought a new ATV in February: a Yamaha Grizzly, 700cc engine displacement, Fuel Injected, Automatic Transmission, Electric Power Steering, and a 3200 Lb winch

We have been ATV riding in the local wilderness, with our good friend John Paradis, nearly every weekend on average
Klamath River Gorge both sides 4 times each
Chiloquin Ridge 2 times
Chicken Hills 1 time
Hamaker Mountain 3 times
Chase Mountain 1 time
Pelican Butte 1 time
Stukel Mountain 4 times

Our local Reading group is still meeting every Wednesday at 1:00PM; were into, Great Decisions 5, Anthology now.

Recreational reading ongoing at a slower pace than normal; I’ve read a couple of Clive Cussler, and WEB Griffin novels so far this year

Through a friend, of long ago, Linda Hoffman, I was turned on to a WWW based organization: BookCrossing. It’s really cool. One leaves a book in a public place where it will be certainly found; inside the book one places a permanent identification number along with the URL of BookCrossing. The finder is requested to read the book, go to the WEB site and record the findings, then set the book free again. Hopefully the book will travel far and wide and one can enjoy following its progress. Here is a link to my page: BookCrossing - the Rexphilip bookshelf

I Resumed my interest in target shooting, both pistols and rifles

I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes last May; and I’m now taking Insulin injections once a day and watching my diet a little closer. My blood sugar is now under control at normal levels as well as my blood pressure. I have not felt better, then I do now, in many, many, years.

Good things still happen: I lost my $500.00 portable GPS while out in the woods on my ATV. Three weeks later there was a advertisement in the Lost & Found section of the local newspaper announcing it’s discovery; I answered the Ad, accurately described it, and the finder returned it to me; and, he would not accept a reward! Something like this renews one’s faith in the general good nature of one’s fellow human beings.

This is all for now; I will try to be more attentive to the BLOG in the future

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