Saturday, July 18, 2009

My Brother, Barry, has been visiting for some three days now.

Today, Barry, Nancy, and I, went 4 Wheeling with the Quads up on Hamacker and Chase Mountains. It was a short but fun ride of about 25 miles total. We ascended Hamaker from Bear Valley on the North flank, went directly to the top, descended and circled around the south and East flanks, and then to the top of Chase Mt. from its South flank, then back to the trucks in Bear Valley. We had a nice lunch in the woods along the way.

Barry is down here, from Idaho, to pick up and take home a 16 Ft. Hobie Cat he bought from Nancy’s Nephew. He will be leaving with it come Monday morning. I hope to go up to Coeur D’Alene later this summer to go sailing with him in it.

I’ll make another posting later to describe the Keystone Cops episode we had Thursday evening with me trying to give Barry and orientation on the setting up and rigging the boat for sailing. To bad it was not captured on digital video, it would be hilarious.

See you all soon…Philip


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