Saturday, August 09, 2008

For our next adventure Nancy was not feeling well; so John and I went back to Stukel Mt. on the S. Poe Valley side again.

This trip turned out to be relatively short; John suffered a tire blowout on a down hill track and rolled his ATV!
We had just traversed an extremely treacherous ¼ mile decent and come out onto smooth ground, the last place one would expect to have a problem, go figure!

Well, his RF tire was flat and we did not think it would make it back up the treacherous decent we had just finished so we decided to try to circle around the Butte on, hopefully, an easier track.

What an opportunity for me to try out my brand new GPS! This was my first time out with my new Garmin Colorado 400 T GPS. It has built in Topo mapping of the entire US! To make a long story short: I was able to operate the GPS sufficiently to get us back on the alternate route safely!

Two things amazed me: first is that John’s ATV was able to drive back on the flat tire some 7 or 8 miles at 3 to 5 MPH; second was that the GPS mapping had such finite detail that cattle watering ponds and obscure, seldom used, 4wd tracks were shown. We made it back with no further difficulties.

No pic's for theis trip!


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