Monday, July 14, 2008


July 12, 2008

Nancy and I 4 wheeled to the top of Pelican Butte with a group of seven other 4 wheelers.

Pelican Butte is an extinct volcano, some 8,083 feet in altitude, and stands at the western flank of Upper Klamath Lake. From its summit one can scan most of the Klamath Basin; from Crater Lake to the California border, a little over fifty miles. The entire expanse of Klamath Lake can be seen.

The round trip from our staging point, at the junction of Hwy. 140 and the Cold Creek access road; was approximately 60 miles distance and six hours duration.

We took an indirect rout to the summit, in order to visit some other interesting points of interest in the immediate area.

Not to disappoint us: John flipped his ATV just a hundred feet short of the summit, trying to do a loop around on a steep embankment. Neither he nor his ATV was damaged.

We all were extremely dirty and tired upon our arrival back home; we were so tired we did not even eat dinner and spent most of Sunday lazing around the house recuperating. Today we feel OK and are ready for next week’s adventure.


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