Saturday, July 19, 2008


Early Friday evening Nancy, John, and I returned to Stukel Mountain for a quick 4 wheeling adventure. It was supposed to be a late afternoon run but we got a late start and didn’t get onto the mountain until almost 6:00 PM.

We returned to the scene of Nancy’s accident, by accident, no pun intended, as we were not sure where we were at the time. It was just a couple of hundred yards behind the location from which these pictures were taken.

These pictures are of were taken from the South flank of Stukel Mt., with the town of Merril and Tule Lake in the background and Nancy in the foreground.

With our late start we did not get back to the truck until after dark, 9:30 PM, or so I thought: we actually got back right at sunset; I was still wearing my dark goggles and thought it was after dark! Nancy said she was wondering why I was dragging so far behind on the way back to the truck.

Tune in tomorrow for a report on our planned “moonlight canoe cruise” tonight in the Wood River Wetlands, at the North end of Klamath Lake. We’ll be casting off the dock approximately 9:30, with a full moon expected at 9:40.


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