Friday, January 25, 2008


I went to see Rambo tonight!

It was just what I expected: pure escape entertainment, Gratuitous, unrestrained, bloody, disgusting violence! John kicked ass on everyone and didn’t get the girl, again! Damn, I hate when that happens!

I enjoyed it for what is: Entertainment, a modern Iliad.

And: it relieved all the built up anxiety and aggression I had built up over these past few weeks, with all the inclement weather and all.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bald Eagles at LKNWR:
I birded LKNWR today and the raptors were out in droves. I must have seen 30 to 40 Rough Legged Hawks throughout the Refuge, plus literally hundreds of Ring Neck Pheasants. There were 60 plus Bald Eagles in the exit tree line. Turning right out of the Refuge onto State Line Road there were thousands of Tundra Swans on the Oregon side (left) with 60 plus Bald Eagles, on the ground, interspersed within them; and on the California side, out on the ice, another 50 plus Bald Eagles. That’s around 180 Bald Eagles within one square mile! This is the greatest number of Bald Eagles I've ever seen on one outing.
Another treat was witnessing two Bald Eagles and two Rough Legged Hawks doing aerial combat over Intersection C on the Refuge.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


Nancy and I birded the Lower Klamath national wildlife Refuge today and the Raptors were in abundance!

The common raptors were in such quantities that counting was beyond reason: Kestrels, Harriers (lots of males), Red Tail Hawks, and Rough legged Hawks.

Bald Eagles: 57 in the ½ mile long tree line at the exit of the Refuge and another 37 opposite the tree line out on the ice (a large percentage of Immature).

We were treated to a glimpse of 2 Great Horned Owls in the tree line along Lower Klamath Lake Rd, on the way home.

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