Saturday, November 01, 2008

Well, it’s been a while since I last posted!

Nancy and I were 4 wheeling right up to the last of the season. If fact Nancy went on the last ride just a week ago with her cousin Bob while I was down south working. In fact we’re going to put the Quads away for the winter next week. I can’t wait for next May to get out into the wilderness again.

Otherwise I’ve been working for PFI again for the past 8 weeks or so. I’m working a really exciting project: The Tooling for the Heat Shield on the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle. Orion is the orbital vehicle that will take our Astronauts between Earth orbit and the Moon and back again. Orion is in actuality a 21st century double size version of the old Apollo Vehicle. I’ll be returning to PFI next week for another 3 -4 week stint; It‘s a lot of fun and I really enjoy thee work.

Tonight was the first game, and at home, for the Hustlin Owls of OIT. Ray Corelli and I were there to cheer them on. We kicked butt on William Jessup University; I think it was 94 to 47. It looks a though our 2008/2009 Team may be stronger than our 2007/2008 National Championship Team was!

This is all I have for now; I’ll try to post more frequently in the future.

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