Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Just an Update

 Nothing really good to report for the past few days.  I have been having trouble getting to sleep on a natural schedule for some time, so I have been up all night and sleeping in the daytime.

In spite of my sleeping problems I have been doing, for me, a lot of yard work.

I have been watching quite a few lectures on YouTube, literature stuff, with Benjamin McEvoy, G K Chesterton, and Howard Bloom.  Chesterton and Bloom are very interesting, to me, in all aspects of Literature, Critique, Authorship, and Analysis,.  So, with my interest being what it is, I have acquired a couple of books written by both of them.

Another thing that has diverted my attention, other than procreation, is that I have been trying to de-clutter my office down to a minimalist configuration, but I am finding it difficult to find space for the stuff I am moving out of the office, I sometime think that I am a hoarder as well.

OK, enough of my trivial problems, over and out,



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