Thursday, June 06, 2024

A Great Short Story

 A Great Short Story

I just finished reading a short story from Isak Dinesen's Book of short stories, Winter's Tales, "The Dreaming Child".

This short story is the most emotional and interesting of short stories I have ever read, even better than any of  J. D. Salinger's, including Catcher in the Rye , my previous favorite.  As a mater of fact, I have liked every one of the short stories in this book.

I only got turned on to Isak Dinesen's Literary works through the love of her, Out of Africa, novel and subsequent movie of the same title, my favorite movie of all time.  I have just recently watched the movie for the fourth or fifth time which is what inspired this incident. 

Another spin off of this fascination with Isak is that she wrote, unknown to me until now, " Babbitt's Feist", which is another movie that I have watched and liked very much.

Well, back to reading the next short story, Alkmene.


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