Sunday, September 24, 2006


Today I went to another Skeptic Society lecture on the Caltech campus, in Pasadena CA.

My daughter, Kim, was with me today, we had a nice lunch at Burger Continental, then the lecture.

Today’s lecturer was, Michael Shermer, the Founder and President of the Skeptic Society; his subject was his recently published book: Why Darwin Matters.

We both enjoyed the lecture, which inspired us for an interesting sharing of opinions on personal ethics and morality afterwards.

Next month, 10-28-2006, the lecturer will be Dr. Richard Dawkins. A large turnout is expected for this lecture. It will be held on the Caltech campus, but instead of the usual Baxter Hall venue, it will presented in a much larger venue, Beckman Auditorium; the tickets for this lecture will have to be purchased directly from the Caltech Ticket Office: or 626-395-4652.

I will be attending the Dawkins lecture myself, if I happen to be in town next month.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Third and Final Posting CIC 2006

We’re back!

We docked back at Alamitos Bay Marina at 1:30 P.M. Friday. For our return, we basically reversed our trip down to Chula Vista.

Each leg of the return trip was of longer duration than the southbound legs, due to a prevailing southern current, or so I’m told.

The leg from Chula Vista to Oceanside was uneventful, except it seemed very long. While in Oceanside Marina, I noticed that the Great Blue Heron that I had seen on the downward leg had a very large nest atop a large tree near our mooring. For all the GBH I’ve seen in the Klamath Basin, I have never seen one of their nests; they are huge, I estimate this one is at least four foot in diameter. As we were leaving Oceanside, we saw the new, exotic, Bio-Diesel Research boat, Earthrace.

From Oceanside to Dana Point we encountered a Marine Corps training operation of the coast of San Onofree involving one of the Small Aircraft Carriers dedicated to Amphibious Assault. In Dana Point, we again bought some more of the excellent Smoked Fish we had on the way down.

Between Dana Point and Newport/Balboa, we encountered a pod of Dolphins. They were feeding upon a school of fish as we passed by, but their curiosity got the best of them and they took a break to came over and check us out. What fascinating creatures they are!

It is a short transit between Oceanside and Newport/Balboa; this leg was uneventful, except for the fact that we noticed that there is hardly any, empty, undeveloped, space left along that stretch of shoreline. After mooring, we took a long dinghy ride through the "Back Bay" area of Balboa Bay. The "Back Bay" is set aside from development as a Wildlife Refuge. The dinghy ride, through the Refuge, was the highlight of the return trip for me.

The last leg: Newport/Balboa to Long Beach’s Alamitos Bay Marina; another short leg with nothing noteworthy, except it being the last leg, and with that a bit of sadness to have a great and refreshing trip come to a close.

Many thanks to Captain Ron Reinert, for making it all possible.

Friday, September 15, 2006



Will we ever return, will we ever return, we’re riding the MTA…

We were back on the San Diego MTA again today, going downtown to visit the Aircraft Carrier Midway. It is amazing that one can travel all day for a $ buck. And, it seems to be on the honor system too; there is no one there to check to see if you have a ticket or transfer when you board!

The Carrier tour was great too, for guys anyway. The ship was only about a quarter of a mile walk from the train station, so that made the overall trip really easy.

Tomorrow is going to be our leisure day, just lazing around the Marina and RV Park. We’re going to a free coffee and doughnut bash tomorrow morning, at the RV Park. At 65 and 67, Ron and I will be the youngsters of the crowd! We also vowed to try to get our laundry done, we’re wearing our cleanest dirty shorts as of today.

I’m posting a couple of pictures today, I don’t know yet which one they will be, but I hope they are found to be interesting.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Chula Vista Marina CA:
We have been here since 4:00 P.M. Tuesday the twelfth.

We’re having such a good time here we have decided to stay through next Monday.

The weather here is great: sunny, 71 degrees, no crowds, and clean and beautiful scenery.
Our plan is to take in some of the local tourist attractions and just generally laze around the Marina.

The Marina here also includes a RV Park with all sorts of amenities, Pool, Jacuzzi, Library, TV rooms, Computer work cubicles, Wireless Hot Spot, general store, laundry, showers, restaurant/bar, and novelty shops. We have full access to both the Marina and RV Park amenities.

Today Ron and I took an excursion into downtown San Diego and Balboa Park, to the San Diego aerospace Museum, on the SD City transit system. We plan to visit the Aircraft Carrier Midway tomorrow.

I’ll post another report tomorrow or Saturday.

Attached is a cool picture of a, Black Crowned Night Heron, I took just as we were casting off Ron’s Slip at alamitos Bay Marina.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


On this, my birthday weekend, I’m packing my “Sea Bag” for my trip down to Southern California, and the setting out on our: “Channel Island Cruise 2006.”

Ron Reinert and I are debarking Long Beach to cruise the Channel Islands once more. The difference this time is that we are planning on staying out for four whole weeks.

In contrast to this trip, our past trips have been from ten days to two weeks, from which we were always sad and reluctant to return from what seemed like much too short an adventure.

In the past, we were both working and using our limited vacation time for these trips. The difference now is that we are both retired, and can afford to spend as much time as we please.

Well, there is the rub: how much time is, “as much time as we please?” I guess we will soon find out. Of course there are many variables we might encounter on any trip out into the realm of the sea: Weather, probably the most important of them, mechanical troubles, health, and boredom rounding out the most likely of a infinitely long list.

With all the above aside, here is THE PLAN:
From Long Beach, in successive order, we will voyage to the following destinations: Newport Beach, Dana Point, Oceanside, Mission Bay, San Clemente I, Catalina I, Santa Barbara I, San Nicholas I, Santa Cruz I, and Channel Islands Harbor; at this point we will re-access our enthusiasm and interests, determine the remaining destinations of the cruise, and ultimately arrive back in Long Beach.

It is my ambitious plan to document the trip with digital pictures and notes, as we go; and then assemble them all together into a Power Point Presentation, when I return.

If we find any Wireless Internet “Hot Spots”, along the way, I will try to send out some emails with rough notes, and images attached.

Farewell, fair winds, and fair seas.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Today is my birthday! I’m 67 years old.

Life is good; and I’m fat, dumb, and happy.

Contemplation of my birthday has drawn me into a reflective mood: Where did I come from? What have I done? What’s next?

Born on a farm, in Oklahoma, at the tail end of the great depression.

Our family moved, early on, to suburban Southern California where I was raised.

High Schooled through the tenth grade.

Started my working career with twelve years in the Aero Space Industry, as a Tooling Mechanic.

Married and raised two children, Ron and Kim; who have since developed into good and contributing citizens to our society.

Continued my education by night schooling to college, studying Tool Engineering and Liberal Arts.

Sent both children through college for Bachelor Degrees; they in turn put themselves through to Masters Degrees.

Worked thirty three years, in the Aero Space Industry, as a Manufacturing Engineer, and Tool Designer, coming to the zenith of my career, and most favorite employment, at Northrop Grumman, B-2 Division, as Manager of Tool Design Composites.

Retired from Process Fab Inc, another of my favorite career employments, in December 2000.

Upon retirement, I moved my home to the Klamath Basin, in southern Oregon.

Since retirement, I have taken up interests in, The Great Books Reading Programs, and Birding (Bird watching).

I plan on continuing my interests in reading the classics, Birding the Basin, and trying to master my Computer, Cell Phone, and the dammed TV Remote!

All in all, I think I’m happy, I’m satisfied with my past life, and I’m looking forward to the future.

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