Friday, September 01, 2006


Today is my birthday! I’m 67 years old.

Life is good; and I’m fat, dumb, and happy.

Contemplation of my birthday has drawn me into a reflective mood: Where did I come from? What have I done? What’s next?

Born on a farm, in Oklahoma, at the tail end of the great depression.

Our family moved, early on, to suburban Southern California where I was raised.

High Schooled through the tenth grade.

Started my working career with twelve years in the Aero Space Industry, as a Tooling Mechanic.

Married and raised two children, Ron and Kim; who have since developed into good and contributing citizens to our society.

Continued my education by night schooling to college, studying Tool Engineering and Liberal Arts.

Sent both children through college for Bachelor Degrees; they in turn put themselves through to Masters Degrees.

Worked thirty three years, in the Aero Space Industry, as a Manufacturing Engineer, and Tool Designer, coming to the zenith of my career, and most favorite employment, at Northrop Grumman, B-2 Division, as Manager of Tool Design Composites.

Retired from Process Fab Inc, another of my favorite career employments, in December 2000.

Upon retirement, I moved my home to the Klamath Basin, in southern Oregon.

Since retirement, I have taken up interests in, The Great Books Reading Programs, and Birding (Bird watching).

I plan on continuing my interests in reading the classics, Birding the Basin, and trying to master my Computer, Cell Phone, and the dammed TV Remote!

All in all, I think I’m happy, I’m satisfied with my past life, and I’m looking forward to the future.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Happy Bday! Nice post. Look forward to seeing you in a few days. Bring Life of Pi (if you even own a copy) and the Audubon (?) book. I think that was the subject? If not, I can always visit the library. See you soon.

1:46 PM  

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