Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sorry for the delay in posting my adventures of the past week but here they are, better late than never!

First off: Silhouette Shooting: Gary and I tied in the first round 29 out of 40 hits each. I won the 20 shot tie breaker 15 hits to his 14. We had another shooter join us, Barlow, he said he would join us again this week. We shot on a new range this time a few hundred yards down from our regular one; others were using the regular one. The new range was OK except we had to look into the Sun for the first half of the shoot.

Second Adventure: Saturday evening, Nancy and I went out to Hyatt Lake Resort, not far from Ashland, with our across the street neighbors, Gary and Dar, to listen to a local singer performing there. His name is: Robbie De Costa; he has an eclectic repertoire and features a throaty and raspy style. His singing was fairly good and his personality great; resulting in very good entertainment. The venue was on the patio of the Lake’s Pizza Parlor, just 50 yards above the lake’s shoreline. A beautiful view of the lake, about a hour before sunset, Osprey soaring above fishing, a nice sized audience but not crowded, reasonable prices, and good company. It was a great, relaxing evening. We plan to back at least once more before the season ends.

Third Adventure: Saturday evening, at the Resort, we made plans with Gary and Dar to go 4 wheeling the next day. So, Sunday morning we loaded up the ATV’s and headed out for Swan Lake Valley to explore the mountains above the valley. It was a beautiful day and beautiful scenery. Gary had been in this area many times in the past hunting with his father as a child. We finally made the summit of the mountain, I don’t know its name yet, and returned to the trucks via a different route. On our return we passed close to an old Hunting Camp that Gary and his family used to use when he was a child; we stopped and visited it. It was in and advanced state of deterioration, but it brought back many fond memories for Gary. We made it back to the trucks from the cabin and returned home by 6:00 PM, very tired from another good ride.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Movie Review and a Book Review

I saw Julie and Julia tonight and was well entertained. The Stories were great and Merle Streep was fantastic as Julia Child. I may buy Julia Chlid’s Autobiography to read, the movie portrayed her life and personality as quite interesting. I have but just faint remembrances of her TV Shows way back when.

THE CAPTAIN’S COAT by Dewey Lambdin:
My brother, Barry, recommended this book to me with high praise as he knew I like the Patrick O’Brien series, of the same genre. I’m about 75% through it as I write and will finish before the weekend is out. I love it! It is fast passed, no place to stop at a pause in the action. I have the next two in the series already in my possession and will probably read right on through both of them.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Wednesday evening Silhouette shooting again, this time with pictures!

It was a perfect evening: very light breeze, about 75 to 80 degrees, and soft lighting.

Finally, it was my day to do well; I won! Two complete rounds of 40 shots each. I scored 32 and 28 hits to Gary’s 24 and 25 hits. Those 32 hits will be very hard to live up to in the future!

Pictures: all taken from atop Stukel Mtn. about three miles south east of my house. The landscape view is looking south west across the Klamath Basin and onto the Lower. Klamath Wildlife Refuge some fifteen miles in the distance; actually in California. , If one looks closely, Mt. Shasta can be barely made out between two Juniper trees, in one of the pictures. The targets we shoot at are difficult to see in the pictures; they are set at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards respectively: Chicken, Pig, Turkey, and Ram. Gary is shown returning from repainting the targets between matches.
One can double click on any picture to get a larger view.

We will miss shooting next week as Gary in going east to the Hart Mtn. area of Oregon to hunt Pronghorn. I’ll probably go out and practice anyway; as Gary will be out for revenge week after next.

Saturday, August 08, 2009


I have just completed two new upgrades to this page:

Philip’s Playlist
You will hear music from my Playlist as soon as you open REXKLAM. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you can see the Playlist. By scrolling the Playlist and clicking on a song title it will play that selection.

Philip’s BookCrossing Shelf
My BookCrossing Shelf (Page) is now in the “Links” section located in the left margin of the page.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Small-bore Silhouette Target Shooting

Gary and I had our .22 Rifle shooting competition again last evening. It was quite windy with thunder storms all around; it was nice and cool though.

Again I failed with the pictures but I do have a couple of pictures of the guns I have been using. The carbine is a Thompson Contender .22 Match 18” barrel length; the Handgun is an Anshutz Exemplar .22 Match 10” barrel.

I competed with the Anshutz last evening and thought I could do as well with it as the carbine, not to be; I did not do well at all: Gary won 25 to 15 hits. The wind may have caused me a little more trouble than it would have with the carbine; I’ll shoot an un-official round next week to see; otherwise I’ll shoot the carbine.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Sunday the 2nd of Aug.
Gordon and Ann met Eric, Andrea, and myself at Lake of the Woods for some sailing fun today. Gordon brought his 16 Ft. Hobi Cat and Eric brought over the Nordska, VALKYRIE.
It was a good day in every way: weather, winds, and easy going. We all traded off sailing and crewing on both boats. Eric and Andrea are pictured in VALKYRIE; Gordon and Philip in the Hobi.
We discussed the upcoming sailing day we’ll all have when my Son and Daughter and their families come for a weeks visit Aug 28th through Sept 3rd. We plan to meet on Sunday the 3rd. at Howard Prairie Lake, about 15 MI. south of L.O.W., camp, sail, picnic, and bicycle ride, all day long. We’ll have VALKYRIE, the Hobi Cat, 24 Ft. pontoon party boat, and the mountain bikes, to play with.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in about 4 weeks

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