Sunday the 2nd of Aug.
Gordon and Ann met Eric, Andrea, and myself at Lake of the Woods for some sailing fun today. Gordon brought his 16 Ft. Hobi Cat and Eric brought over the Nordska, VALKYRIE.
It was a good day in every way: weather, winds, and easy going. We all traded off sailing and crewing on both boats. Eric and Andrea are pictured in VALKYRIE; Gordon and Philip in the Hobi.
It was a good day in every way: weather, winds, and easy going. We all traded off sailing and crewing on both boats. Eric and Andrea are pictured in VALKYRIE; Gordon and Philip in the Hobi.
We discussed the upcoming sailing day we’ll all have when my Son and Daughter and their families come for a weeks visit Aug 28th through Sept 3rd. We plan to meet on Sunday the 3rd. at Howard Prairie Lake, about 15 MI. south of L.O.W., camp, sail, picnic, and bicycle ride, all day long. We’ll have VALKYRIE, the Hobi Cat, 24 Ft. pontoon party boat, and the mountain bikes, to play with.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone in about 4 weeks
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