Saturday, April 12, 2008


This Posting is for Ray Corelli’s friend, Myrena, of Chicago.

This evening, at the baseball game, Ray was telling me that Myrena really liked some pictures she had seen of Mt. Shasta and of our Southern Oregon area.

Here are some Pic’s just for you Myrena, from the Klamath Basin:

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Thanks to my friend Nina Pense
, a member of our Great Books Reading Group, I have been made aware of Michio Kaku. She brought me an article published in our local newspaper about Micho Kaku; thinking that it might interest me. How right she was! I read the article then Googled him and found his, My Space, blog. On his blog are several articles one can read; and several video clips one can watch and listen to. They are very interesting and mind boggling. I urge anyone to visit his blog.
Here is the Link.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sgt. MacKenzie

Sgt. MacKenzie is a Scots Dirge that I just love. It brings me to tears every time I hear it. I came aware of from the sound track from the motion picture: “We Were Soldiers Once”.

Go to this Link to listen to it. When the page opens, The soundtrack version will begin playing, after it completes: scroll down to the MacKenzie Tartan, just below it is a “green” Link: click this to hear the original version, the really tearful one!

The story on how the song came to be written is also quite interesting.

Friday, April 04, 2008


OIT Baseball in Klamath Falls

Our Home game season has just opened here in the last week.

From the reports we took a licking almost everywhere we played the first half of the season, away in central and southern California.

Here at home, we have won nearly 75% of our games.

We play in two stadiums: The old one Kiger, and, a new one at the Klamath County Sports Complex. I like the old Kiger Stadium better, it seems like “Baseball” to me.

I enjoy just lazing around in the stands, set in several different places, following the Sun or getting out of it, reading a novel, eating a Subway sandwich, listening to the Fans kibitz the Ump, and just leave when I think of something better to do.

My sports fan buddy, Ray, has been promising to come out for a game but so far has been a disappointment. I guess I will have to find a new buddy; well, that might be a little hard to do, I guess I’ll just have to jack up Ray’s enthusiasm.

I snapped a few images just to give the reader a feel for the stadium.

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