Friday, April 04, 2008


OIT Baseball in Klamath Falls

Our Home game season has just opened here in the last week.

From the reports we took a licking almost everywhere we played the first half of the season, away in central and southern California.

Here at home, we have won nearly 75% of our games.

We play in two stadiums: The old one Kiger, and, a new one at the Klamath County Sports Complex. I like the old Kiger Stadium better, it seems like “Baseball” to me.

I enjoy just lazing around in the stands, set in several different places, following the Sun or getting out of it, reading a novel, eating a Subway sandwich, listening to the Fans kibitz the Ump, and just leave when I think of something better to do.

My sports fan buddy, Ray, has been promising to come out for a game but so far has been a disappointment. I guess I will have to find a new buddy; well, that might be a little hard to do, I guess I’ll just have to jack up Ray’s enthusiasm.

I snapped a few images just to give the reader a feel for the stadium.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to see an EXCITING game you should come to the sports complex on Thursday @ 6:00 and see the two top U14 girls soccer teams plays for #1 (Iam a little bias towards to Goalie)


7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll try to make it to the game, if I can remember that far into the future.
I'll pay special attention to the Goalie too.
If you see me wave and we can chat a few minutes.

8:33 PM  

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