I'm back!
Well, it has been several months and I have accomplished very little in the way of anything! I have just lost all incentive to get anything done.
I have been trying to get something accomplished with the study of the Book of Revelation, in the Bible. I have done a little but nothing to brag about. I have purchased all of the learning materials required to do the job, but have not used them yet.
The most significant thing I have accomplished, I think, is that I visited my Daughter in Portland OR. for my Eighty-fifth Birthday. That was a success in any and all ways, I had a great time there. She had invited my Son, Ronald; and my Brother, Barry to join us, and it was fantastic! Everyone treated me very generously and friendly to the extreme. I am very proud, and loving, of all my family members, they are all, "Good", people.
My goals for the remainder of 2024, and the beginning of the year of 2025, are to start and complete my study of, "Revelations", and do some Home maintenance that I have neglected and need to be done soonest.
Again, I will promise to update my activities and status more often in this format, and will most likely fail to do so.
I have also been failing in my attendance at Church, which I tell myself that I want to do, but I do not. I have found a Church, and denomination, that I like: Hope Lutheran, just a mile and a half from my house. I love the Pastor and all the congregation there, and they all treat me well. I have no excuse, except for procrastination. I do get a little bit of Church on YouTube's broadcast of the services of a Church in Rock Springs Georgia. I like the Pastor there too, I have read several of his published books, his name is: Benny Tate.
I have also been attending College courses for the past few years, "online", They are all great, "in my opinion",. The Colleges I am attending are as follows; Hillsdale College, The Great Courses, Dallas Theological Seminary, and "1517" College. They all are Theologically orientated and have great Professors.
Any and All