Saturday, November 23, 2024

Hello everyone

 Hello to everyone,

I have done very little for the past two weeks  I have had, and still have a strong cold.  I also managed to give it to Nancy and she is slowed to nothing as I have.

 I have collected some beautiful pictures from Facebook.

I received a package the other day of a small bookcase, it has a complex assembly procedure that I intend to put together tonight.

I also have several Theological lectures to watch online that I am far behind in doing.  I will try to watch a couple of them and post my notes on this Blog tonight.

Well, I will close for the moment as I do not want to bore the mass of you readers any further.

With the greatest regards,


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

I'm Back

I'm back! 

Well, it has been several months and I have accomplished very little in the way of anything!  I have just lost all incentive to get anything done.

I have been trying to get something accomplished with the study of the Book of Revelation, in the Bible.  I have done a little but nothing to brag about.  I have purchased all of the learning materials required to do the job, but have not used them yet.

The most significant thing I have accomplished, I think, is that I visited my Daughter in Portland OR. for my  Eighty-fifth Birthday.  That was a success in any and all ways, I had a great time there.  She had invited my Son, Ronald; and my Brother, Barry to join us, and it was fantastic!  Everyone treated me very generously and friendly to the extreme.  I am very proud, and loving, of all my family members, they are all, "Good", people.

My goals for the remainder of 2024, and the beginning of the year of 2025, are to start and complete my study of, "Revelations", and do some Home maintenance that I have neglected and need to be done soonest.

Again, I will promise to update my activities and status more often in this format, and will most likely fail to do so.

I have also been failing in my attendance at Church, which I tell myself that I want to do, but I do not.  I have found a Church, and denomination, that I like:  Hope Lutheran, just a mile and a half from my house.  I love the Pastor and all the congregation there, and they all treat me well.  I have no excuse, except for procrastination.   I do get a little bit of Church on YouTube's broadcast of the services of a Church in Rock Springs Georgia.  I like the Pastor there too, I have read several of his published books, his name is: Benny Tate.

I have also been attending College courses for the past few years, "online",   They are all great, "in my opinion",.  The Colleges I am attending are as follows; Hillsdale College, The Great Courses, Dallas Theological Seminary, and "1517" College.  They all are Theologically orientated and have great Professors.


Any and All


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Beryl Markham

 Beryl Markham

Another remarkable woman, Beryl Markham.  I have discovered an interest in her through my researching through Pinterest for data and pictures of Karen Blixen.  In searching for Karen Blixen I received just as much on Beryl Markham as Karen Blixen; and then vise Aversa searching for Beryl Markham.  From what I have learned so far she may be as interesting to read about as Karen.  I just purchased a book about her life's story.



Another Great Short Story

 Another Great Short Story,

Alkmene, by Isak Dinesen, Same raving as my previous posting.  Karen Blixen is some fantastic woman in all respects.

I highly recommend the reading of her short story book, Winter's Tales.

Hopefully another report soon,


Thursday, June 06, 2024

A Great Short Story

 A Great Short Story

I just finished reading a short story from Isak Dinesen's Book of short stories, Winter's Tales, "The Dreaming Child".

This short story is the most emotional and interesting of short stories I have ever read, even better than any of  J. D. Salinger's, including Catcher in the Rye , my previous favorite.  As a mater of fact, I have liked every one of the short stories in this book.

I only got turned on to Isak Dinesen's Literary works through the love of her, Out of Africa, novel and subsequent movie of the same title, my favorite movie of all time.  I have just recently watched the movie for the fourth or fifth time which is what inspired this incident. 

Another spin off of this fascination with Isak is that she wrote, unknown to me until now, " Babbitt's Feist", which is another movie that I have watched and liked very much.

Well, back to reading the next short story, Alkmene.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Hello I'm Back

Well, It has been a while.

I have been quite busy the past nine months.  I did some consulting work for Maverick Aerospace, a company owned by a friend of mine, Steve Crisanti.  It was interesting and generously compensated for.  It s all over now and getting back to my retirement mode.

For the past couple of years I have been more satisfied with life in general than I have ever been in my life.  I attribute this feeling of my satisfaction to my having been, "born again", and loving Jesus, The Holy Spirit, and GOD.  The "feeling" just came upon me out of the blue.  I began reading the Holy Bible and found it very interesting and satisfying.  I started taking online Biblical college courses on the Bible, Biblical history, and Biblical theology.  Included in my studies I also took some Classical Philosophy courses.  On the Classical philosophy side of my studies I discovered, "Stoicism".  I feel like Stoicism is also contributing to my feeling good and satisfied.

I am considering getting an adult electric fat tired tricycle for exercising and short distance transportation around town..

Some of the authors that I have been reading from are: Benny Tate, Derick Prince, Charles Ryrie, C. S. Lewis, Eric Metaxas, Apostle Paul.

Leaving on vacation next Monday.  We are going first to my Daughter's place in Portland, then to Nancy's friend in Roseburg, we will be spending 5 days at each location.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Just an Update

 Nothing really good to report for the past few days.  I have been having trouble getting to sleep on a natural schedule for some time, so I have been up all night and sleeping in the daytime.

In spite of my sleeping problems I have been doing, for me, a lot of yard work.

I have been watching quite a few lectures on YouTube, literature stuff, with Benjamin McEvoy, G K Chesterton, and Howard Bloom.  Chesterton and Bloom are very interesting, to me, in all aspects of Literature, Critique, Authorship, and Analysis,.  So, with my interest being what it is, I have acquired a couple of books written by both of them.

Another thing that has diverted my attention, other than procreation, is that I have been trying to de-clutter my office down to a minimalist configuration, but I am finding it difficult to find space for the stuff I am moving out of the office, I sometime think that I am a hoarder as well.

OK, enough of my trivial problems, over and out,


Friday, September 01, 2023

My Birthday Today 9/1/39

 Wow, my birthday today, I have made it to 84, I'm feeling good, feeling happy, and I'm satisfied,

I watched another Benjamín McEvoy lecture on reading Milton's book "Paradise Lost".  The lecture, as usual, was good and the book sounded very interesting, so interesting that I logged on to Amazon and bought it.  Now I have to knock off, Dante's Divine Comedy so I can get to reading it.

I also received today another classical novel, "Prometheus Bound".  I was expecting another 3" thick of a thousand pages book like most of the classical literature book are, it is only one quarter of an inch thick.  Maybe it requires slow reading, and a lot of contemplation to get through,

Well, this is all I have for today, so over and out,


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