Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm now reading: The Rational Optimist, by, Matt Ridley.
This is a text book on the evolution of human self awareness, consciousness, and reasoning.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm now reading Brad Thor's, "The Apostle", and loving it!

Second session for Silhouette target shooting atop Stukel Mtn. this evening. I had lots of fun, shot lousy:)

Monday, June 14, 2010

I just finished, WWW: WAKE.
Now I'm off onto, WWW: Watch.
Wake was a great read!

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

WWW: Wake

My previous post is in error,

I got confused with the titles; I'm currently reading WWW: Wake!

Sorry for the senior moment, my consciousness seems to be flipping left to right and back again :)


Monday, June 07, 2010


I'm now reading Robert Sawyer's WWW.Watch his next to last released novel. I believe the plot is the coming of self awareness, of a computer system, through interaction with a uniquely gifted human being.


4 Wheeling at Aspen Lake

John and I went 4 wheeling at Aspen Lake Sunday.
Aspen Lake is only some 10 miles from our homes, just off Hwy 140 North of Klamath Falls.
Aspen Lake is a beautiful environment to behold. It is only 2 to 3 foot deep on average, about 7 to 8 miles long and 1 to 2 miles wide. About 90% of its surface is covered in long grass that stands up a foot or so above the surface. There is a lot of wildlife around the lake including many riparian bird species. At one point we spotted a bull Elk with big velvet horn knobs on his head.

We will be returning this season to do the other side of the lake and the slopes of the 8,000 foot high slopes of Aspen Butte that guards the northern shores of the lake.


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