Thursday, February 28, 2008



OIT Basketball is a big event here in the Klamath Basin!

Over the years the Hustling Owls have been the most consistent powerhouse in the Cascade Conference and within the NAIA Division II national competition.

Over the past ten years the Hustling OWLS have gone to the National Championships every year and been at least to the “Sweet Sixteen” level, Fourth place, Second place, and National Champions in 2004/2005 season.

This year they have placed second (25-5 & 16-4), one game behind Eastern Oregon (24-4 & 17-3) in the Cascade Conference; but we are ranked #8 in the NAIA National polls with Eastern Oregon ranked #9! Both OIT & EO are currently guaranteed positions in the National Championship in March.

This season has been especially exciting for me as the competition is very balanced in our Conference, OIT plays consistently well, the OWL Fans are loyal and enthusiastic, and I have had the greatest partner one could have to share the games with: Ray Correlli! Ray is the quintessential sports fan. Ray’s knowledge of all the major sports, and famous players, spans the last fifty years. He can actually understand the foul calls and explain them to me; for I have no clue!

We are in the midst of the season ending Cascade Conference Tournament. Last night was the first round with The Owls playing, and defeating, The College of Idaho Coyotes (the Yotes!), at home, here in the Basin. Saturday will be the second round and will be played here, again, against a team yet to be named. Ray and I plan to be there for that one too.

Here is a Link to OIT’s Basket Ball Web Page, in case you would like to visit and learn more about OIT’s Basket Ball legacy.


Last night's ticket

Hustling Owl Logo

Ray Correlli

Monday, February 25, 2008


Thanks to my wife’s nephew’s wife I’m prompted to get off my duff and make a posting to this BLOG, thanks Jennifer. Several people in the past week have commented on my failure to post; I didn’t think anyone was visiting so I got a little discouraged and a little lazy too. How about some feedback through comments, that will keep me enthused?

Well: last month our reading group’s selection was Charlotte Bronte’s, Jane Eyre. I went into it with some trepidation about what to expect. My fears were soon swept away with each page I read. I now consider this book among my all time favorites.

Everyone in the group liked Jane Eyre so much that we all agreed to try another English Novel for comparison; we chose: Charles Dickens’s, Great Expectations. I have just finished volume 1 of 3 (approximately 100 pages) and so far I like it just as well as Jane Eyre.

In the mean time, PBS’ Masterpiece Theater has been running a series of, BBC produced, Jane Austen novels as film adaptations (The Complete Jane Austen). I missed the first one: Jane Eyre, but caught the second one: Pride and Prejudice, which just concluded last Sunday. I really liked Pride and Prejudice too, so much so that I plan on reading it too, as soon as I finish Great Expectations. Starting next Sunday they will be showing: “Emma”.

So, I guess this means that I’m now, officially, an English Literature fan, Just like my daughter, Kim, who has her Masters Degree in English Lit. It looks as though father is learning from daughter.

Monday, February 04, 2008


We have been hammered by heavy weather since the first of the year.

Some of the old timers, here in the Basin, say it’s the worst winter in twenty years.

These pictures show the contrast between this winter and normal spring time.

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