Tuesday, February 27, 2007


This film was recommended to me by my new friend, David White.

This is one fantastic film! A must see for everyone.

Based on the critically-acclaimed novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, "Everything is Illuminated" tells the story of a young man's quest to find the woman who saved his grandfather in a small Ukrainian town that was wiped off the map by the Nazi invasion.

The Web site for this film is also fantastic, Everything Is Illuminated, visit it and you will be sure to want to experience this film!

Monday, February 26, 2007



Here is another great W. Somerset Maugham love story made into a superb motion picture.

This is the second production of this motion picture adaptation of the novel of the same title; the first being in 1934, starring Gretta Garbo and Herbert Marshall.

The acting was excellent by all cast members with notable roles, especially the stars: Edward Norton and Naomi Watts.

The technical aspects of the film were also very good: Costumes, Sets, Cinematography.

Even as a child, I can remember some of the great motion pictures made from W. Somerset Maugham’s novels and short stories, and how I was impressed by their presentation of the feelings of human emotion and drama at the basic instinct level: Sadie Thompson (1928) (1953), Of Human Bondage (1934) (1946) (1964), The Painted Veil (1934) (2006), The Razor’s Edge (1946) (1984).

Over sixteen motion pictures were adapted from W. Somerset Maugham’s novels, most of them being remade multiple times.

For more about this fascinating writer visit this link.

Friday, February 09, 2007


Not to be out done by my Son-In-Law, Mike, I proudly submit a picture of my sweetheart, Lolly!

She is just too cute!

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