Saturday, January 27, 2007


VDH offers a very good, common sense, essay on, “The State of the Union”, at his BLOG site: Works and Days. It is very much worth the time it takes to read it.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Picture credit: Melvyn Bruce.

Last Friday Mel and I went birding in the Butte Valley of California, just twenty two miles south of Klamath Falls, and just two of miles south of the Oregon border.

On our drive, from Klamath Falls, to the Butte Valley, along Hwy 97, we observed thirty one Bald Eagles along the east side of the highway, in about a two mile stretch! They were about equally distributed between being on telephone poles, and on the frozen farm fields. On our return trip, two hours later, most of them were still there!

The Butte Valley is well known for its abundance and variety of Raptors, the usual suspects being: Red Tail, Ferruginous, Rough Legged, and Swainson’s Hawks; Bald and Golden Eagles, Kestrels and Prairie Falcons.

Our trip turned out to be all we expected: good! The weather was perfect: the temperature was in the low forties, and the sky was perfectly clear and sunny. As for the Raptors, we saw many Baldies, one Golden Eagle, several Red Tails, and some really good close encounters with a Ferruginous Hawk, and a Kestrel. The ubiquitous Mule Deer were there too, but we were disappointed at not sighting any of the Pronghorn that are usually there.


A few months ago I posted an announcement about the new Boeing Airliner concept: the 797, Blended Wing Body, Flying wing.

A sub-scale Research Aircraft, the X-48B, is now in the testing phase at NASA’s Langly Research Center in Hampton, VA.

This is a really cool aircraft; reminiscent of the Northrop B-49, XB-49A, and the B-2 Bomber.

Check out these links for more pictures and details:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Movies to Look For

I’ve been surfing the Web looking for upcoming movies. The following four look promising to me:

The Painted Veil

Miss Potter

Alpha Dog

Pan’s Labyrinth

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