Thursday, October 18, 2007



This was my third film from the four film KFFFF and ranks number two, so far.

What do I think of the film: "once," was enough!

I'll rank it a 2.5 out of 5. It's a modern love story set in Dublin Ireland between two more or less struggling love lorn individuals, each with extraordinary musical talent. The film was shot with hand-held cameras, with natural-ambient lighting, almost home movie style. The story and plot are extremely simple with almost half of the time taken up with singing. The lead character is played by the lead singer, Glen Hansard, of the Irish band, Frames.

In my research for writing this post I came across the official web site for the film which is, to me, more impressive than the film its self! I urge everyone reading this post to visit the site.
Once the Movie - A Film by John Carney Be sure to move your cursor over the 'puter screen to get the dynamics of the Site!

Tonight I'll be taking in, "Vitus", and post my impression tonight or tomorrow.


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