Friday, September 21, 2007


Nancy and I birded Miller Island yesterday evening after dinner.

Miller Island is a wildlife sanctuary along the Klamath River just a couple of miles from our house, and is usually a pretty good birding location.

Being that it is currently close to the end of the “slow” season for birding we did make some notable sightings:

Sharp-shinned Hawk, very difficult to discriminate from a Cooper ’s hawk.

Red-shouldered Hawk, a rare sighting until this year, they have just begun to show themselves in the Basin this year.

Ring-necked Pheasant, a beautiful rooster (cock) one of Nancy’s favorite birds to spot.

Great Blue Heron, a magnificent bird always fun to spot and observe.

Red-tailed Hawk, ubiquitous, but still as magnificent as any other raptor.

American Kestrel, beautifully colored and patterned almost as common as RTH.

Belted Kingfisher, striking profile they look top-heavy to me.

Mule Deer Doe, to me the very essence of tranquility.

Click on any of the sighting titles for a link to more information.


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