Friday, July 13, 2007


Well, Dell, my neighbor, and I took to the wilds again along the south shore of the Klamath River. A few weeks ago we tackled the north shore for the same stretch of the river.
As before we lost the trail and did not get to our intended destination several miles distant. On the south shore, this time, we just barely made it past our furthermost point on the north shore, last time. We have vowed to try again in a couple of weeks.

On the north side we found the views and vistas just as spectacular as they were on the south side. We had the additional treat of coming upon the ruins and site of the old pioneer "Frain Ranch". The Frain Ranch is located down inside the Klamath River Canyon on a large flood plain of several hundred acres. We stopped at a hunter’s campground to rest, have lunch, and enjoy the wonderful views. Upon return to our quest we promptly got ourselves lost and found ourselves in Doris CA., in the opposite direction we had intended. In retrospect I find that we should have stayed in the bottom of the canyon to continue on to our destination.

The road along the canyon rim, and down along the river itself, is very treacherous, and requires a vehicle of some tenacity. Four wheel drive and high ground clearance is not enough. If one is worried about scratches, dents, dirt and dust, or even getting it out under its own power, then it is best not to start this adventure with it.

I’ll post the results of our next attempt, in the near future.


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