Friday, June 23, 2006

John James Audubon, the making of an American. By: Richard Rhodes.

This is a very well written and easy to read book about a very interesting man. One also gets a good dose of American history for no effort.

It is an interesting story with a fair amount of excitement. It chronicles the abundance of Flora and Fauna in the United States in the early nineteenth century, as well as the economic and social development of our society in its very beginning.

Some of the facts are interesting too; here is one I had never heard of until now: The Great earthquakes of 1811, centered near New Madrid, Missouri Territory, December 11, 1811. Three large earthquakes rocked the entire Eastern United States. The first was estimated to have been well above 8 and maybe as high as 9 magnitude on the modern Richter scale. There were one thousand seven hundred and eighty four after shocks counted through March 15, with at least twelve of these registering as high as magnitude 8. The initial three and the twelve large after shocks were felt as far away as Maine, Washington DC, The Gulf Coast, and the Rocky Mountains.

I recommend this book to anyone, regardless of ones interests. It brings back to mind why America developed into such a great country and society.

John James Audubon’s story represents just one of tens of thousands of similar stories played out by our emigrant ancestors that braved the wilderness, developed our resources, and formed our society, government, and way of life. Anyone that has ancestors dating back to this era deserves to be proud of their heritage, and they bear the responsibility to carry on in their spirit.

Citizens with a briefer American heritage owe a debt to these pioneers; carrying on with the pioneer American spirit into the future can pay this debt.

I believe that just reading this book can make anyone a better citizen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I borrow it? Bring it down to CA on your next trip down?

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I'll bring it with me next time.
If you cant wait, I bought it at Cost Co for $8.00.

9:55 AM  

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