Tuesday, March 11, 2008



Ethan Hawke: Finnegan Bell (Pip)
Gwyneth Paltro: Estella
Hank Azaria: the wealthy boyfriend, Walter (Estella’s)
Chris Cooper: Joe
Anne Bancroft: Ms. Dinsmoor (Miss Havisham)
Robert De Niro: Lustig the convict (Convict/Magwitch/Provis)
Josh Mostel: Jerry Ragno Lawyer (Jaggers) (Rango: Spider)

Director: Alfonoso Cuaron, Cinematography: Emmanuel Lubezki,

Producer: Art Linson, Screenwriter: Mitch Glazer, Editor: Steven Weisberg,

Music: Patrick Doyle.

This is a film that I, personally, think was quite well done! It was interesting and a lot of fun to compare the mental images; I have, from the book, to the images used by the Screenwriter, Director, and Cinematographer of this film.
I also liked the initial narrative statement of the film, by young Finn: I will not tell this story as it happened, but as I remember it. I think this disclaimer allows creditability to the few differences in the adaptation, to the original text of the book. However: of all the reviews I could find on the “Net”, the best was mildly favorable.

I especially thought the four main characters were portrayed very convincingly for the adaptation of the story into contemporary America: Finn, Estella, Ms Dinsmore, and Lustig (Pip, Estella, Miss Havisham, and Convict/Magwitch/Provis) Gwyneth Paltro is stunningly seductive, beautiful, and sexy as Estella. Anne Bancroft was a convincing Ms Dinsmore/Havisham.

The film locations were also creditable, relative to the, time/place, of the adaptation, having the Florida Gulf Coast for the marshes of the English countryside and New York City as London locale. The scenes shot in N.Y. Central Park were poignant to me.

The interjection of the Francesco Clemente art into the adaptation is a profound aspect to the film; it impartes and defines the essence of Estella’s character.

Finally: the sound track is great, it brings the adaptation into the feel of the reality of the contemporary worlds of the low class Florida Gulf Coast and that of the upper, bourgeoisie, New York, art scene class.

I think this film will work for any viewer, whether they have read the novel, or not.
Art Work: Francesco Clemente


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Phil: Enjoyed update on the movie of our mutual interest. When number of other on going books are finished will proceed to Great Expectations 1998 version on DVD Ray

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you will enjoy it.
By the way: how is L.A. Rex going?
Philip (Rex)

11:49 AM  

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