Well...Back Again
Well, back again and feeling very good, physically and mentally.
I have made a couple of visits to my Daughter in Portland. I am becoming very fond of Portland, the City, and the Suburbs, especially Lake Oswego. I love going to Powell's bookstore and just prowling around through the many floors and book sections.
Another place I like to visit is the Campus of, Louis and Clarke College. It is a beautiful environment of rolling hills, forests, ponds, and architecture. It is located just a couple of miles from my Daughter's home.
I got to meet Kim's fellow members of the Stoic study group she belongs to. The members are very bright, friendly, and well-read. They meet at a local Pub, out on their secluded garden patio.
My next trip to visit Kim will be on my birthday, Sept. 1St. 2023. I will turn 84 years old, wow!
Well, this is all I have for now, so I will close.
Warmest regards,
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