Wednesday, April 18, 2007


At the bottom, or end, of any posting is a standard line of text consisting of the following:
“Posted by rex at 6:00pm 0 comments” (0 comments will be in blue text).

Double click on the “0 comments”.

A new screen will appear.

The new screen will contain any previous comments, or your new comments, in its left column.

The top of the right column will have a Text Entry Box titled: “Leave Your Comment”, with a blinking cursor inside.

Next, type or paste your comment inside the, “Leave your Comment” Text entry Box.

Below the “Leave Your Comment Box” is a “Word Verification Box” with some random letters scrolled above it. You are requested to enter these letters into the “Word Verification Box”.

Enter the “Word Verification” letters into the box.

After “Word Verification” come the “Choose Identity” selection; it consists of three identity choices represented by three small circles, they are:
Blogger / Other / Anonymous.

Click “Other”

Next will be the opportunity to enter your Identity. By clicking “Other” you are not required to enter anything, unless you want to. You can use your actual identity or any pseudonym.

Finally, you come to the “Publish Your Comment” and “Preview” bars.

Click on the “Publish Your Comment Bar”.

You will then be notified that your comment has been published. This is not always true. Look to the left column to see if you can see your comment there, you may have to scroll down if there are previous comments. If your comment is there, you are done.

If your comment is not there, re-enter the new letters into the “Word Verification Box”, and click again on the “Publish Your Comment” bar. It seems to always work on the second try.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought right off the bat there is a man with a sense of humor!! But at the same time in the world of politics this a very dangerous statement to make when the vultures of hypocrisy seek to discredit any untowarded remarks about the sanctity of the inevitability of death. Those indivduals who seek to destroy one's reasonably favorable reputation in the public eye will now have a field day exploiting the callousness and utter dis regard John McCain has for human life,as seen by them. The irony of this response is it eliminates any creative way to bring attention to problems which demand dialogue. Many forms of humour have been used to bring attention to serious conditions that exist in the world. Not all problems need be approached from a confrontational point of view.Often times exaggeration serves the purpose. Case in point Swift's solution to the Irish problem regarding overpopulation.

9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It should be obvious to anyone that a man of Senator Mc Cain’s importance and stature, would be joking in making a statement like that. Also, the statement its self should be considered about as important as Iran is to anyone, anywhere in the world. Without their oil resource they have nothing, are nothing! They contribute nothing to the world’s best interests. Best way to tame them and the rest of OPEC is to boycott them for a few weeks; and then tell them where the fair value of their resource belongs in the global economy, and to get used to doing fair business.
The U.S. should also start a new National Policy to develop the technology and Infrastructure to become Petroleum free within ten years. This program should be our number on priority, be on the scale of the Manhattan Project, and the 1960’s Man to the Moon Project.
It can be done; both from a technological and financial point of view.
Technology: Effort plus money.
Financial: Tax gasoline at a rate between the current pump price and the “fair price” alluded to above; also, the current petroleum corporations divert their future petroleum research and infrastructure investments into “New Energy Technology”.
That’s my idea; now someone go do it!

4:07 PM  

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